Introducing the Southeast Zone Water Polo League.
Inspiring competitiveness, rewarding participation.
Season starts June 20, 2025

The stats below are placeholder metrics.


  1. Support increased participation at In-Zone Tournaments
  2. Inspire competitiveness amongst teams
  3. Create new opportunities for tournaments

Registered USAWP Teams within the SEZ Zone can earn points for participation and competitiveness.

  • Out-of-Zone teams cannot submit for rankings.
  • 10u Coed, 12u Boys, 12u Girls, 12U Coed, 14u Boys, 14u Girls, 14u Coed
  • 16u Boys, 16u Girls, 18u Boys, 18u Girls, Open Men, Open Women
  • *Tournaments with 11u, 13u, or 15u divisions will provide points for the next division up (11u = 12u points / 13u = 14u points / 15u = 16u)

Each season runs for a full calendar year, starting in June and one year later.

Age group winners are announced at the beginning of each new season.

Participation points + Competitiveness points = Total score

Participation: Earn points by attending ANY sanctioned USAWP Tournament

  • 1 point for attending an Out-of-Zone Tournament
  • 2 points for attending an In-Zone Tournament

Competitiveness: Earn additional points for winning at in-zone or out-of-zone tournaments.

  • 3 points for 1st Place
  • 2 points for 2nd Place
  • 1 point for 3rd Place

Team leaders submit results via a post-tournament form on this website, which includes tournament info and team results.

  • Form submissions are collected, tallied, and displayed on the table.

The SEZ Board is responsible for verifying results and maintaining accurate records.

Results can be submitted here by a team representative.

Questions? Contact the Southeast Zone board members.